Residential Packages
The ultimate online experience.

When you demand a premium experience from your broadband connection, one of Lakeland Internet’s Premium packages is exactly what you need. Enjoy the ultimate video streaming experience across your favorite platforms, download music, movies, and shows in seconds, connect with friends and family online, get gaming with no lag time, and use multiple devices at once with no disruption. Looking for the best option for viewing your favorite shows and movies in stunning high-definition? Our Premium Plus streaming package is the perfect choice for you.



Is a Premium package right for you?
- It's common that several devices in your home are being used simultaneously.
- You stream movies and television shows on a daily basis, often in high-definition.
- You use a music streaming service and like to download your tunes to take them on the go.
- For you, video chat is one of the best ways to stay connected to colleagues or loved ones.
- Social media gets heavy use in your household.
- At least one person in your home is a serious gamer.
Which solution is right for you? We can help!